BlogWard 2Testimony of Mercedes Garcia, Early Education Professional

April 12, 2023


Good afternoon, members of the council, Chairman Mendelson and others present: I thank UDC, Under 3 DC, MSSPA for this great opportunity to testify. 

Would you like to have happy children and teachers? I‘m Mercedes Garcia and I’m here to ask the council to continue investing in early education and increasing teacher salaries in the Pay Equity Fund. 

My experience as an educational professional in Washington, DC, in Ward 2 early education with children ages 0-3 has been significant. I started in 2010 and to date, I have the pleasure of helping the little ones in their development and learning that helps them improve their skills so that while they continue to grow, they become children who do good in the world.

I am excited to nearly finish my bilingual associate at UDC, which would not have been possible without your support. Every day, I remind myself of the importance of getting a University education as an early education. Because of my time at UDC, I know anything is possible and that there are no limits if one sets their mind to their goals. 

The help I have received in getting my degree has been thanks to the cultural inclusiveness of Washington that allows access to education without discrimination. I am happy to be able to help not only children, but also their families. I want to be an educator who leaves a positive impact on each of my students. That is why I would like the Council to continue giving support for teachers to continue their studies. I also hope you can continue to recognize us with incentives and bonuses like the Pay Equity Fund and not cut $5.4 million from the fund as the Mayor has proposed. 

Thank you very much for listening. 

Mercedes Garcia



Buenas tardes, señores del consejo, Presidente Mendelson y demás presentes: 

Agradezco a UDC, Under 3 DC, MSSPA por esta grandiosa oportunidad de dar testimonio 

¿Les gustaría tener niños y maestros felices? Soy Mercedes Garcia y estoy aquí, para pedir al consejo que DC siga invirtiendo en la educación temprana, y aumentando los salarios de maestros en el Fondo de Equidad Salarial. 

Mi experiencia como profesional de la educación en Washington, DC, en la educación temprana de Ward 2 con niños de 0 a 3 años ha sido significativa. Empecé desde 2010 y hasta la fecha, tengo la vocación de ayudar a los más pequeños en su desarrollo y aprendizaje que les ayuda a mejorar sus habilidades para que mientras sigan creciendo, se conviertan en niños de bien. 

Estoy emocionada de casi terminar mi asociado bilingüe en UDC, lo cual no hubiese sido posible sin el apoyo de ustedes. Cada día, se la importancia como profesional, en mi paso por la Universidad, a que todo es posible, que no hay límites si uno se lo propone. 

Debido a la ayuda que he recibido gracias a la inclusividad cultural de Washington que permite acceso a la educación sin ningun tipo de distinción, me alegra poder ayudar no solo a niños, sino también a sus familias. Quiero ser una educadora la cual deje huella positiva para cada uno de mis estudiantes. Es por eso que me gustaría que el Consejo siga dando apoyo para que las maestras se sigan capacitando. También espero que puedan seguir reconociéndonos con incentivos y bonos como el Fondo de Equidad Salarial y no recortar $5.4 millones del fondo como lo ha propuesto la alcaldesa. 

Muchas gracias por escuchar, y por su valioso tiempo.

Mercedes Garcia

Under 3 DC

Under 3 DC, a broad based coalition in the District of Columbia, harnesses the voices and power of parents with young children, early educators, advocates, and health professionals to create transformative social change. The Coalition’s efforts center on the people experiencing racial and economic injustice every day. It shines a spotlight on the need for more public investments to support families with infants and toddlers. Together, we can set the city on a path to creating and sustaining a high quality, equitable early childhood system.

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