BlogResourcesEarly Educators Begin to Receive HealthCare4ChildCare Insurance

April 6, 2023

By Sierra Wallace, Under 3 DC Communications Manager


At the start of this year, District of Columbia early educators and eligible child care employees began to receive free, high-quality, publicly-financed health insurance coverage, HealthCare4ChildCare, provided by DC Health Link This new health insurance is being provided as part of the Pay Equity Fund, a new, permanent, equity-based compensation funding source for the District’s early educators. 

More than 61 early childhood education employers have enrolled their employees in the health care program since its late fall 2022 launch. And that number is only expected to grow. 

At the Department of Behavioral Health’s Performance Oversight Hearing earlier this month, Under 3 DC member Jeff Credit of the Washington Association of Child Care Centers testified that 13 of his employees were able to successfully enroll in health care. 

Mitizi Rodriguez, owner and director of Bellas Artes Child Creativity Center, and Homer Thomas, founder and owner of the Washington Academy Preschool, also testified about how life-saving this access to free health insurance has been for their staff allowing their employees to receive needed and highly anticipated aid. Rodriguez stated that 13 early educators in her Spanish immersion early learning program are now enrolled. Thomas stated that all of his employees are now enrolled in the health care program. 

Testimony like this plays an important role in ensuring that our early childhood educators receive the compensation they deserve as they teach and care for our youngest children. As the DC Council begins to assess how the 2023 fiscal year budget is performing, It is important that teachers and providers continue to lend their voices to testimony and let the Council know how imperative it is to create actionable equity-based policy to aid in compensating our early educators.

Under 3 DC

Under 3 DC, a broad based coalition in the District of Columbia, harnesses the voices and power of parents with young children, early educators, advocates, and health professionals to create transformative social change. The Coalition’s efforts center on the people experiencing racial and economic injustice every day. It shines a spotlight on the need for more public investments to support families with infants and toddlers. Together, we can set the city on a path to creating and sustaining a high quality, equitable early childhood system.

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    1400 16th Street NW, Suite 740 | Washington, DC 20036

    For more information or to join the Under 3 DC coalition, contact Travis Ballie.

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